As many homeowners realize, water damage can take a huge toll on the health and overall lifespan of their chimney and fireplace. If you’re worried about rain, sleet, and snow entering your brickwork, rusting your metal pieces, deteriorating your mortar, and causing clogs, rot, stains, and more, consider investing in preventative maintenance right away!
Some of the best ways to stop water from doing damage is by having the proper equipment installed. Chimney crowns, chimney caps, and chase covers are all things that play a vital role in preventing decay, rust, and deterioration! They all do similar things, which makes it no wonder why many people find it challenging to differentiate between the three of them. We’re here to explain how each work, so you know all there is to know about keeping your chimney safer!
About Chimney Caps
Chimney caps are what keep water and moisture out of the flue. Without one in place, any outside elements are given easy and open access to your chimney, which will cause things to break down and completely ruin your chimney liner. When your interior system breaks down, using your fireplace is incredibly unsafe and could trigger gas leaks or house fires. Chimney caps keep you and your home safer, and they ensure your fireplace works great year after year!
About Chase Covers
Like your flue opening, your chase needs to be well protected, too! This is where chase covers come in. At CinderBox Chimney, we stock and install chase covers made from the strongest materials around, so you don’t have to worry about facing any issues down the line. Avoid cracks, holes, and unsightly rust stains by working with our CSIA certified crew today!
About Chimney Crowns
The crown sits on top of your chimney and is made from a concrete mixture that is designed to stop rain, snow, and other types of moisture in their tracks. It is typically angled so that any liquid it faces simply rolls down the sides, out and away from your masonry! We can inspect your crown, then repair or reconstruct it, as necessary. We won’t use weak mortar mixes that crumble over time… When you work with us, you’ll get the best of the best!
With Spring Upon Us, Now Is The Time To Call
Spring is the best time to schedule your inspection so that we can get any repair work and installation jobs well out of the way before fall comes back around. That way, when the busy season is once again upon us, you won’t be forced to put off fireplace use any longer than necessary. While your friends and neighbors are scrambling to schedule their chimney work, you’ll be relaxing in front of a crackling fire. Call today, so that we can set you up right!
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