Advantages Of A Lock-Top Damper

Have you heard of a lock-top damper? It’s a type of damper that sits at the top of your chimney, rather than the throat, and many homeowners are making the switch due to its countless benefits. Learn more about all that these devices offer by reading below, then turn...

The Importance Of Being Certified

If you’ve been seeking a chimney company to assist with your chimney maintenance, then you’re probably wondering what things you should research. What qualities make the difference between a subpar chimney company and a great one? Well, things like multiple awards,...

Chimney Basics Explained

So, you own a fireplace but do not know a lot about how it works or what each of the various parts does in the system. You’re not alone. The complexities of a fireplace can be hard to grasp, but by learning just a few chimney basics, you will be well on your way to...